Keeping Yas Up-To-Date and Such

Have you donated fundage to Pilcrow? You haven't?! Oh, honeys, you have got to ChipIn there's an incentive and all. Check it out, this from Guthyroo: "For every $25 you donate via our ChipIn page between today and May1st, you will be automatically entered in a drawing for a gift certificate to Wishbone (super delicious) Cafe here in Chicago. Donate $25, we'll enter your name once, twice for $50 and so on. Not bad!" It's flawless. To read more about the incentive, check out the Pilcrow Lit Fest Bloggy.
Leah from Accidentally Jewish is working with OSRUI about an upcoming retreat on May 2. Here's the dish about the retreat: "Discovery Shabbat is a one night retreat for people who are 25-40 and Jewish, curious about becoming a Jew, or interfaith couples who want to know more about Judaism.We have two great rabbis coming to lead the weekend and our regional outreach coordinator. The cost of the retreat is $75 per person and includes lodging, food and all of the workshops. We also have a Facebook Group for people interested in attending the retreat. From lighting the Shabbat candles through celebrating Havdalah together, it will be a great chance to talk through some big and little questions about Judaism. I can say from experience that a Shabbat at OSRUI is truly a restful Shabbat." Doesn't that sound lovely!
Artist, writer and all around Renaissance man, Lewchyroo: John Donald Carlucci, Wildwoods and Astonishing Adventures Magazine has just launched a kick ass Etsy store. You have got to check out his artwork, it's sooo beautiful! To find out more about his work, check out Rusty Dreams and Epiphanies: The Art of John Donald Carlucci on Facebook.
Artist, writer and all around Renaissance man, Lewchyroo: John Donald Carlucci, Wildwoods and Astonishing Adventures Magazine has just launched a kick ass Etsy store. You have got to check out his artwork, it's sooo beautiful! To find out more about his work, check out Rusty Dreams and Epiphanies: The Art of John Donald Carlucci on Facebook.
OSRUI! Is that where The Dancer went with Aunt Mary for retreat? I think MathMan went there, too as a kid! Or am I just completely typing out of control?