For an Encore, You Would Have?!

Yesterday, I was heading down Sepulveda about to make a right on Santa Monica blvd. A white van was parked on the street. He didn't have a signal on and I couldn't tell if he was pulling in or out of his spot. Parking spaces are very hard to come by in Los Angeles, so it was a fair assumption. Yes? Yes. Okay, I continued forward and all of a sudden, I hear, "YOU SLOPPY CUNT WHORE" bellowing out of the driver's mouth, along with a solid middle finger. The "sloppy" made me scream, I could not stop laughing. So furious, he kept wailing SLOPPY CUUUUUUUUUUUNT. I HAAAAAAAAAAATE YOU. VICIOUS BITCH. BITCH. BITCH.
I couldn't figure out how sloppy factored into the equation. My car was clean. I was clean. What was so sloppy?
I can see that sloppy cunt whore intersection in my mind, no one ever yelled at me when I was there.
Was this as opposed to a "Neat Cunt Whore?" Which is better to be?
(you saw what Schecter's book has said about McCain's language)
It sounds like your driver was right on the verge of degenerating into pre-verbal grunts and shrieks. That's the thing with rage--it sits in that unique junction of terrifying and hilarious.
Well, it was either:
A) The only way he could climax, because nothing this side of DeSade is normal anymore for most Angelenos.
B) Him on the Bluetooth with his mom and that was the most "polite" greeting that his meds would allow.
C) His addressing and admonishing of hisself for not being a better "bottom."
could "sloppy" really mean, "diseased," "dirty," or "fucking"? or maybe he really meant your cunt whoreness doesn't know how to clean up after dinner.