In The News

From this article, Polygamist Women, I read the below two snippets and laughed my ass off. In fact, I do believe these could be the most hilarious things I've ever read in my life:

Polygamist Women Set Their Own Style, Celebrity stylist Ted Gibson said the women's unique hairdo gives off a "homely" impression. "It says 'I don't really care very much. I really don't have time to worry about the way that I look, because I have 20 children,'" he said. "He's going from wife to wife to wife, so why should I look any better than the other ones?"

The idea of a celebrity stylist being called to comment on polygamist fashion is as obscene as what's next, a reality makeover show. And we all know it's right around the corner. I predict Lips Rinna will host with Carson (from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy).

Anyway, it seems to me that if anyone was called to comment on polyfashionistas, it should've been students of polygamy, like, oh, I don't know, an anthropologist, maybe a theologian or two, and the odd historian. Fashion is only one aspect of the tragic and sad, cry-for-help that is this particular cult of polygamy.

When I read this, after reading the above, I screamed. Seriously, I did. Will polygamist fashions have any influence on mainstream style? Prairie skirts are in fashion this season, while dusty pastels and neutrals are being introduced to offset trendy bold colors and patterns.


Eebie said…
Honey, don't knock it; someone has already won the Pulitzer Prize for doing just that. The 2006 Criticism award went to fashion writer Robin Givhan of the Washington Post. In particular her story of Condoleezza Rice arriving in Iraq(?) in black knee-high boots was singled out. It's OK to walk the halls of power in sexy boots that were made for walkin'.
Eebie said…
Forgive me, a little more research says it was her arrival at Wiesbaden Army Airfield where she was wearing those boots that are just sexy...
Madam Z said…
This whole story has me so upset! I really don't think the state of Texas has any business marching into a settlement and KIDNAPPING all the children and placing them in foster homes!! Those poor children! Those poor mothers! It's crazy! Now the jack-booted thugs are testing everyone's DNA to try to make some kind of case for their despicable raid. Don't they have criminals to pursue? Murderers to catch?

In the meantime, the worst Texan of all is sitting in the catbird seat in D.C., causing untold suffering in Iraq and Afghanistan and trying to squeeze in an assault on Iran before his time is up. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Madam Z - You're right, the raid could have been handled better, but I don't think the young daughters were particularly safe in those circumstances. And the women are victims, too. The whole story is very sad.

Katie - I laughed until my sides hurt!
Fran said…
They call those schmattes dresses? And oy, the hair? So they never heard of product and a good blow dryer?
"Will polygamist fashions have any influence on mainstream style? Prairie skirts are in fashion this season, while dusty pastels and neutrals are being introduced to offset trendy bold colors and patterns."

Don't forget the canvas underwear that is extra, extra itchy, to dissuade any impure thoughts...

...until the night of the victim, er, "wife's" turn.

I've been told that the Quran says that you can have as many wives as you can afford and keep happy. I understand the pictures were taken under less than ideal circumstances, but do these women look happy?
Freida Bee said…
I simply have never tried a polygamist scenario and do not judge it besides the violence and incest, oh, and the misogyny. I just think if I were married to two men, I would be not so much better sexed, but more annoyed and if it were another woman and I with a man, we would leave and go be with each other quite readily and peacefully. I see some advantages though...

My point? Let's see if I can pull one out. Oh, you don't have to be a polygamist to be extraordinarily unfashionable. Just ask my daughters (about me).
Bacon Lady said…
The second I see Gisele sportin' a unibrow on the runway I will run screaming into the night, never to be seen again.
Creepy said…
I can't wait for the Women of the Polygamist Sect lingerie calendar.

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