While my sister and I were doing our laundj here, we noticed the dry cleaners sign. I am dying to know what color whtite is and most curious about the fabrics fancy and extra. When I walked in to inquire, the owner was out running an errand. The broad behind the counter said she doesn't answer customer questions and made it VERY CLEAR that she was just keeping an eye out for him until he returned.

He never did return.... Hmm.
There is some can't see the forest for the trees humor here, I just can't get to it.
I would think you were a regular whtite, fancy, wool extra schmatte shaina maideleh. Hmm, go figure.
Where is this lovely spot? It looks so vaguely familiar to this one time LA resident, I mean residtent.
You are to be lauded for your extra fancy efforts to find out what is up. I am reminded of the very funny Orthodox dry cleaner lady played by Gina Gershon on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
fancy = fuckedup and nasty clothes, yours
extra = elephant excrement tastes really awful
sorry, that's the best i can do. i'm flagging.
and i apologize for being scatological, but did you expect something clean? (clean? get it?)