Trouble in Deville!

Trouble DeVille, A Southern Fried Crime Noir Novel by the fabulous and famous MonkeyMucker.

Simian Stud's debut novel is a must read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm not even a noireyish chick. The boy knows how to spin a yarn. You read his blog, yes? Great, you already know that he's a most excellent writer. He only has a few copies left, I suggest you haul ass over to his blog asssssssssappy and buy yourself a copy before they're all gone.

MonkeyMucker, are we working on our second novel? "Yes, Katie" is the proper response.


Thanks for the plug my love. I'd kiss you but you're on the other side of the country.
Anonymous said…
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Fran said…
hey! I have that book too! And guess what... I loved it.

The Monkey should be glued to the keyboard, making words for us to consume in the near future, words beyond the blog.
Joe said…
Splotchy keeps bugging me to give my copy to him. I better do that.
Romius T. said…
I also second that thought for what ever cache I have to offer..
Anonymous said…
Was it wrong of me to be attracted to Cruella de Vil?
Cup said…
I have a copy. To be clearer: I own a copy. The Beloved Ex borrowed it a day after it arrived, and has yet to return it. HE loved the book, though.

We can say "We knew the monkey when he was a mere ape, typing randomly to write a Shakespeare sonnet.

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