Best Spam Evaaaaaaaaaaah -UPDATE-

Look what I found in my box today?! Aside from the fact that I'm a VADGE and there is a glaring typo "fie" instead of "fine", they've made this dame a raging cunt-hate that (and her high, tight rack. Bitch). Women don't behave this way. Women aren't cunty. Women don't emasculate men. That is not how we roll, yo.
UPDATE: From the fabulous and flawless MonkeyMucker: Actually hon that's not a typo. the word "fie" is a somewhat rare wordthat is used to denote scorn or used in place of a swear or curse word.It was more popular in the old days, like say during the 16th thru 19th centuries. Who knew?! I had no idea. Simianboy, you're a wealth of knowledge. Grazie.
Penis enlargement patches also do not work. If you want to keep your junk intact, don't be stickin' things in it, or on it that can damage the meat bat. Don't let anyone make you feel badly about your manhood, either. It's your dick, live it. Love it. Take pride in it.
My website is being designed by kick ass designer Jeff Zani. His work is off the hook, yo and my site should be vinty fly. I'm so excited, I can't stand it!
I have some fabbylish dish that I will be gushing about in the next few days.
I started e-stalking with Queen of the Road Author Doreen Orion, all around JewGoddess. You must buy her book. She's wicked smart, interesting and hilar squared. Here's a snippet from her site about her book, "The true tale of 47 states, 22,000 miles, 200 shoes, 2 cats, 1 poodle, a husband, and a bus with a will of its own."
More Dish, children.... Tomorrow (Thursday) if you are in Chicago, you must attend The Fixx Reading Series.

This week!
Thursday Feb. 28th @7:30pm
w/ this month's special guests: Garin Cycholl and from Ninth Letter Literary Magazine Adam Deutsch, Micah Reicher, Brian Kornell and Juan Manuel Sanchez
Hosted by the Goddess that is Amy Guth!
Thanks so much for the plug! I'm going over to my blog right now to "ping" you. (My husband wants to know if he can watch.)
- JewGoddess, aka Queen of the Road.
us dudes are obsessed with it. the u.s. is cock country.
i just moved my blog, too. but it doesn't look as good as yours.
King Lear!
Just a quick note to let you know that all women are not size queens. Nope, after three kids resulting in a uterus succumbing to the Earth's gravitational pull, I'm all about curve, perhaps girth and even color. (Aesthetics are important!)
But length? No thank you.
they make a perfect gift for the man you love
Live it! Love it! Take pride in it!
We do.