Bush's Shit

Via Politits, I came to Fran I am. Two kick ass dames. Via one of Fran I am's posts about bushfuck, I found I can't believe it's not a democracy and a post about, I kid you not, what the secret service does with Bush's shit when he's out of the US. Can you believe that our tax dollars are being spent on a protocol for Bush's asstastic movements?! I'm not sure what's more offensive.

His shit ain't bein' brought back to the US for composting because he's a narcissistic bastard. I want to know what that doody is being used for. I am entitled to know. Spill, Bushy, spill.

I'm also curious about Bush's jiz and which secret service man has to drop to his knees for facials when Bushy is abroad getting his jerk on. Perhaps this is Bush's way of expressing his gayires without being, well, you know gay. God forbid.


Anonymous said…
I love the tracking back of the blog finds. MathMan and I were just chatting this a.m. about how we found certain bloggers. We go way back with you now. I'm glad you've followed links to find Pissed and Fran.
The next time any Repub has the nerve to bring up wasteful spending...
Joe said…
In the words of BOTH MizBubs and our eldest...

Thanks a lot. I may not be able to sleep tonight, after seeing that.
Distributorcap said…
i wonder if george's shit has corn in it.....
Fran said…
First of all, I clicked into my new favorite blog here and loved the photo. Then to see- oy gevalt I am plotzing - my own name associated with such a post... It's too much, too much.

Thank you Katelah, I am not worthy. However, I am grateful for the linkage.

What do you think of my new phrase... "gai kochen affen secret service!" It's not great, but it has potential maybe?

But Katie - please, please, no more mention of bushjaculation. (FranIam shudders) This is a thought I cannot tolerate. Ever. Again. Please. (ptooh ptooh ptooh)

Now I must go post on some other unsavory topic or another.

The audience is a hungry monster, is it not?
That is so fucking gross. His shit?


Thanks, Katie. Really.



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