Beverly Hills Episcopalians

My sister and I schlepped to the Beverly Hills AT&T / Cingular store today to get her an iphone. We've banned the other locations closest to us because of their dead dog jokes.

Ker is "i" obsessed these days. It started with an ipod 3 months ago. A month ago, she broke up with PC and bought a Macbook. She's now a no-joke igirl.

Anywho, as we were heading into the store, we noticed a stream of people leaving the Episcopalian church across the way and can I just tell you that I had no idea what great racks Episcopalian birds have. It's unbelievable or it's just Beverly Hills. These blond broads hiked up their hooters, their skirts and broke out their deepest v-necks for Jesus. I nevah saw such a thing.

When my people go to shul, we don't usually inject silicon into our lips and slut-up for God. I guess episkys do, which, if you think about it, is kind of a refreshing change from the prairie muffin crew.

I need to stop blogging now and write. Must focus.



Joe said…
You know what's worse than noticing hot chicks at church? Noticing hot chicks at a funeral. That's what.
Anonymous said…
Honey, the whole point of Episcopalians is sex. Otherwise, they coulda just stayed Catholic.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous doc? WTF? I hate blogger.
Methinks that is strictly an L.A. phenom, as the women that go to the church that The Missus and I were married in/Procrastinator Junior was baptized in, do not seemed to be surgicaly enhanced.
Of course you don't have to "slut up" for God, you're part of "The Chosen People." :)
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
No, the Jews in LA do song and dance. The wife once attended the performing arts synagogue Friday night Service. There was a guest singer and applause. I guess they confuse Eddie Cantor with a cantor.
Creepy said…
New goal in life: shag a prairie muffin rotten.
Anonymous said…
It's pronounced "Eye-Gor"
Madam Z said…
If I woke up in the morning and found that I had been transformed into a "Prairie Muffin," I would jump into a large cup of coffee and drown myself!
They don't call it the High Church for nothing . . .
Ms Smack said…
I wonder if when they're sucking cock, lips all painted like a whore, if they say 'God, this cock is so tasty' and mean it?

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