Mama Gin Strikes Again

Dear Gentle Readers of All the Way from Oy to Vey,
Katie has generously offered to host this week's episode of "The Mama Gin Files." I was unable to post it on the front page of Coaster Punchman's World for fear of retribution by Poor George, who forbade me from publishing the video. However, since the trials and tribulations of living with Mama Gin is my story too I feel altogether entitled --- at least as long as I don't get caught.
Click here to experience Poor George trying to practice his bass clarinet in the face of Mama Gin's daily dose of harassment.
Google Video has been acting really weird lately, so it may take several clicks on the "play" button before you actually get to see the video. (It might tell you it's "unavailable" a bunch of times - something Google is trying to iron out.)
And if you aren't amused by crazy Chinese ladies harassing their gay sons, there are also some cute cats in the video. Maybe that will make up for it.
Can a girl be a mensch by the way?
Tell us your good news!!!!!