Retard Revolution

Remember that post I wrote about the Special Olympics of Grocery Shopping? I figgered you didn't, so hit the link and catch up. I know, I'm Snatcherella today. Deal. Or flee.
I am here to say that there is an explosive retard revolution happening in the retail grocery industry in shlock angeles that I was not aware of. It's about fuckin' time if you ask me. The lines are longer. Bagging is a cooperative endeavor and if you're paying by credit or check card, you're gonna have to swipe twice on a good day, three on a bad day. Doable, honey. Do-a-ble.
Walking into the store today was like going to a sports arena to watch The Norms vs. The Tards in their final game of the series. You can feel the animosity and competitiveness. It's so strange. The Norms are just outright mean and The Tards are fighting back, giving it to them right up their asses. It's surreal, uncomfortable and fantastic all at the same time.
I'm rooting for the short bussers. I hope the retard revolution leaves an indelible imprint in all industries. It's so long overdue. Are you with me?!
Non-sequiturish of the day: Can dogs be retarded? Seriously, can they?
Walking into the store today was like going to a sports arena to watch The Norms vs. The Tards in their final game of the series. You can feel the animosity and competitiveness. It's so strange. The Norms are just outright mean and The Tards are fighting back, giving it to them right up their asses. It's surreal, uncomfortable and fantastic all at the same time.
I'm rooting for the short bussers. I hope the retard revolution leaves an indelible imprint in all industries. It's so long overdue. Are you with me?!
Non-sequiturish of the day: Can dogs be retarded? Seriously, can they?
And in all seriousness, I've seen some "overbred" dogs" that were as close to it as possible...especially golden retrievers, Irish setters and German shepards.
HAHAHAHAHA. Oh MAN. (wiping tears) Whew, hahahaha. Deep breath, Guthieroo. Whew.
It's what makes her the coolest fucking cat in the world.
And the revolution is occuring at my grocery store as well. It seems as if every bag person is, um, special. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but when I ask them to double bag the heavy stuff instead of using 2 bags they put twice as much stuff in a single bag.
So I'm taking him to Safeway to get a job.
go tards!