Joe Torre Broke up with the Yankees

I am such a bluejew. Joe Torre has broken up with the Yankees. He's the heart and soul of that team. He's a New York institution. He's got quiet rage that Joe Tore. I love him hard.

I don't have a daddy complex and I've never been attracted to older men except for quiet rage Joe Torre. He's wildly and inappropriately sexy and now he's no longer a Yankee. Sigh....


It was time for him to go. Those primadonnas let him down and Steinbrenner never fully appreciated him, for the manager that he was.

When your millionaires tune you out, it might be time for a change of scenery.
invite him over, doll. he's at loose ends now.
Cup said…
I adore Joe Torre — from his playing days with the Braves when they first moved to Atlanta, from his days managing the Braves. The Yankees just lost their heart.

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