Comments re: Butter My Bread?

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Some of my favey bloggers don't understand why I butter my bread and don't eat it, so lemme splain.
- It's not torture. It's a routine I used to have every morning. I love the ritualistic aspect of it. By going through the motion, I can actually feel the texture of the hot buttery toast melting in my mouth and it gives me pleasure.
- I don't watch it consecutively for 30-minutes. I glance at it in passing while I'm getting ready or while I'm checking email or drinking coffee, or shmoozing on the phone. Knowing it's there brings me comfort.
- I've had too much change in the past 8 months. I need some semblance of continuity and for some bizarre reason, I find it in toast.
- I feel guilty because there are so many starving people in the world and to invest money and time into something that you aren't going to use is frivolous and inconsiderate. I know. It's just toast. Still. The guilt.
- It keeps me legal, I stick to my diet.
For all of those reasons, I make toast every morning.
Toast on!!