Pussy Pooches

I have decided that little dogs are Pussy Pooches. My mother was telling me about this couture canine store she read about that sells, are you ready? WIGS FOR DOGS: long and blond. Bouffant fire engine red. Sultry black bobs. The whole nine yards. The shame...


Anonymous said…
Ok thats way too embarrassing..
The Imaginasian Channel said that Tokyo has toupees for dogs, so I'm glad to see that this carried over to this side of the Pacific. Now canines will have the option of looking like refugees from a David Lynch film.
Anonymous said…
Hasidic puppies?
Katie Schwartz said…
right, lebowski?! just wrong on every level.

omg. omg. omg. cormac, I was on the floor when I read this. it was so fuckin' funny.

rhet, hasidic puppies??!? HAHAHAHAH. you are too much, child. howling.

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