why jewgirl didn't do a peeny poll

I see that my vadge poll has stirred quite a lot of ahj from the veypeens. someone even suggested that my actions were sexist (ha! as if). women have a much different relationship with their v's than men have with their cockadoodledo's.
whether a man is sporting 3 inches or a dozen inches, he holds court daily and has a shrine to his pleasure plunger. he is incessantly fascinated by the cool white shit that comes out of the tip and anything he can stick it into, including but not limited to, a toasty watermelon with a widget hole to simulate the blessed cunt.
truth: I envy that men have such a deep, organic appreciation for their peens. bunch'o bitches. seriously:: you are very lucky.
women on the other hand have a much different relationship with their vagina's. if we're not stressing about vulva placement, color, clitoral location or scent, we're freaking out about her drool factor when not aroused. we are delighted by a daily barrage of reasons to worry about and loathe our cunts.
"she's got mud flaps." "I ony fuck coin slots." "dude, she had an echoing grand canyon sized puss." "ewww. she had a puffy beef box." "for just 3K, you can have the vagina of your dreams with vaginal rejuvenation." "do your lips stick out? for $1,500 we can give you a porn star pussy."
I could go on for days, children. seriously: the poll was to get women talking about their delicious, moody pussies and for the men who love them to spill about that beav love.
cool? cool.
*conditions apply. see back of pack for details.
What mountjoy said, I pretty much feel the same way.
It would be so cool to have a tool to control so many people the way the way "the beav" can. Gives now meaning to "Leave It To Beaver"
I've been busy doing penis surveys for years. If you need data, I've got it.
Love you. Love your survey!
Keep up the good work!
P.S. I almost used the c-word, but I still find "pussy" easier. I'm working on it, I swear.
You are a cuntlovin' girl!
And as distateful as it is for me to have to agree with that chthonic antipodean, mountjoy, I must agree.
I didn't fly out of the womb saying cunt.
plus, we are taught that cunt is an atrocious, scandalous, evil word. it's a matter of re-learning.
As the Gay community took back the word "Queer" so should those of the homogametic persuasion take back the word "CUNT"!
Own it!
Embrace it!
Love it!
In the UK and environs, to call a male a cunt is derogatory. To call a woman a cunt is not.
What did you fly out of the womb saying then?
"Nu? This is it, is it?"
My pee pee works a treat as the terminus of my urinary tact. After two pitchers of beer I can inscribe the entire Gettysburg Address in a show bank. Complete with annotations and addenda.
And in your handwriting!
"They teach young men to drop fire on people, but they won't let them write "Cunt" on their airplanes because it is obscene"
The Westerner has to realign his/her priorities methinks.
I agree with what you're saying, that we need to reclaim cunt as a positive word because it is. totally agreed!
Is that like some kind of rheostat or something?
Please call me Rhet.
it is not vile and condescending, snatch face. I do believe it's me with the V.
rhet.. noted.
I give in!
I am sooooooooo milquetoasty.
We will agree to disagree then?
I've seen many a flappy gee in my profession and I have yet to meet a Western influenced owner that is truly in love with their cunt.
They may 'tent' and kill their women in the East, but the women there love their cunts. The lucky ones who should find themselves in the West as adults are therefore the ideal companions.
Oh so British!
The pee pee will be rendered superfluous.
I am not sure I would like that. I'm a cuntlovin' person too!
I am flushing crimson!
Nice hotel too.
Nice hotel too.
Do we have anymore quarters for the bed?
All our parts, M & F, give us reasons to fret and wish they were different in some way. Part o' life.
Unfortunately in this society women have come to believe they need to actually do something about it, and thus to plastic surge industry.
Men think, "it would be nice to have another inch or too," but then just continue wanking and thinking about sports.
You and rehtro got quite a thing going, I will not stand in the way of good cyber sex. I wish you both the best of luck.