rockin the cunt, baby

courtesy of our love machine, lewchers. is this a gift or is this a gift?! I'm kvelling.

I am in cunt heaven!!! thank you, lewchy!!!


Amy Guth said…
When the babe grows up, she can help lead the cuntocracy. KIDDING. Sorta. No, really, I am, I am.
You like cunt then?
Somehow, this reminds me of the Danny Boyle films and the recent English gangster pics. Where everyone except the women, are "stupid c*nts!"

I can't say or type the word, as my mother would come back from the other side of the light and put a Ouija board up my tokhes.
BTW, don't you think the one in the middle pic favors Smush Limbergher?
Creepy said…

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