bill clinton, ambassador of... pussy

if our hil wins the presidency, (which I hope she does), she's making blowjob-bill an ambassador. she must've meant of pussy. notice him featured between the legs of a dame. it's all so apropos, isn't it?
"I can't think of a better cheerleader for America than Bill Clinton , can you?" the Democratic senator from New York asked a crowd jammed into a junior high school gymnasium. "He has said he would do anything I asked him to do. I would put him to work."

anything she asks of him? oh, I do so hope she creates a suggestion box.


Eebie said…
It is so a propos that his smile be placed between two gams.

When will this guy go away? Why do people care about this moron?

He'll be a shagadelic ambassador. After finishing his terms as Pres., he set his sights on the UN. He spread his seed all over DC, I'm sure he'll do his best on the east side.
Mountjoy said…
Ladies and gentlemen, the American Ambassador fo Adultery, straight from a cigar smokin' stint in DC, that Fellow of Fellatio, the Master of Mutual Masturbation... able to bring interns to orgasm with a single finger... it isn't mayo on your dress madam, but you sure as hell know he did not have sexual relations with that woman... he's just a g-string and a skanky hoe away from impeachment, it's the Oracle of Oral Sex, President Bill Clinton!
Eric Riback said…
Those are Hil's legs, and she has him caught like a nut in a cracker.

As you know, I'm not a Hillary fan, but I do know that when Bill was president, the US was respected in most of the world. One of the few things that l'il George has done right was to use Clinton in the tsunami relief effort. I hope that whichever Democrat gets elected, he will employ Clinton in that kind of role. He can even bring his good friend, Big George, along.
Joe said…
Oh man.

Ambassador of pussy...that's just the best job title in the whole f*cking WORLD.

Too bad we'd have to have Hil as president to get it. Maybe president Edwards or Obama would do the same?
Johnny Yen said…
"He can start by putting the damned seat down" said Hillary...

I saw Bill speak at a high school graduation in Mountain Home, Arkansas in 1983 (my grandparents' neighbor's daughter was the graduate). Clinton was rivetting. I'd read around then that he was considered an up and coming guy in the Democratic party-- remember that this was Reagan time, and people seriously talked about there never being another Democratic president (ha!). I remember thinking that evening that they were absolutely right that he had a future.
Evil Spock said…
Evil Spock wishes Evil Spock was ambassador of pussy . . .
Creepy said…
Bubba rocks.
Billy was (and is) the man. With the exception of NAFTA, his heart was always in the right place.
Al Sensu said…
Fuck the 22nd Amendment.

At least the Republicans screwed themselves with that one because Reagan would have been re-elected.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE that picture.
Eric Spitznagel said…
It makes me sentimental for a time when an Oval Office blowjob was the worst we could expect from a president. Sigh... those were the days.

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