john sims artist, activist, aquarius

here are some excerpts from the article, Confederate Flag Exhibit Ignites Uproar.
A Confederate flag hung from a noose in a display titled "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag" has upset visitors to a museum in Tallahassee, Fla.
The museum, however, announced Friday it is standing by Sims' work, on display since Feb. 26, because it wants to inspire dialogue in the community about a symbol that engenders a diversity of strong responses.
Florida statutes say it's unlawful to "deface, defile or contemptuously abuse" the Confederate flag, but say it's also illegal to prevent the display of the flag "for decorative or patriotic purposes."
"I think that we're well within the statute," Barber said.
it's comforting to know that the museum is standing by his work. at least they aren't advocating censorship.
ps: am I the only idiot who didn't know about the florida confederate flag law? ah, the annihilation of our civil rights in action. nicely done, fla. nicely done.
support the child's work!
Sorry, Katie, but try as I might, Mr Sims isn't doing it for me. Leewee in a peek-a-boo and fishnets, however...
...I'm flabbergasted...
The war goes on here in the South.
And they think they should fucking get to drive our national elections.
I always find it amusing when they fly the United States flag and the Confederate flag on the same pole. They seem clueless about how schizo that really is.
D-cup, nice tits. I'm glad to see you wear them with pride.
Stars and Stipes with the Confed flag; laws about defacing - everyone thinks they should have it all and have it delivered.
Holy crap you wanna make some people mad say something like that.
I hate the South. It's my one irrational prejudice and I know it's wrong, but tell me you're from Alabama or Mississippi and I will assume you are stupid until you show me otherwise.
I love the installation. Perhaps I should go to Florida and publicly wipe my ass with the Stars and Bars and become a professional test case.
I lived in the south for some years and it felt like the war (or as they say, "wo-ah" ended just a couple of years before. Forgetting what I think the Confederate flag stood for (i.e. slavery), no-one can argue that it stood for people who wanted to separate from the United States of America. So how can these people who celebrate that flag -- the flag of traitors to the USA -- claim to be patriots?