bidding to be bubs bitch

sprawling ramshackle has posted a fuck off FABULOUS post about, oh my fucking god, christian clowns! are you plotzing??? this post is HILAR SQUARED.

here's a snippet, but you must click through for greatness right fucking now. I peed... a little.

A few weeks ago I put up a clown training video, and it opened a door for me into a world I knew nothing about: the world of Christian Clowning.


There are websites devoted to Christian Clowning Resources; there are websites for individual performers like Kingdom Karactors (if clowns aren't your thing, they also make and sell puppets!)

I needed this, bubs. thank you a million!


Joe said…
Well, it's the least I could do for my favorite Christian-hating Jew gal.
Glad you liked it!
Amy Guth said…
I'm totally plotzing! How funny is this?!?!?
Odd how somethings are blasphemous, but this somehow, is not?
Katie Schwartz said…
bubbish, love the post. so damn funny. but, I don't hate christians, luuuuv. not even slightly.

you see, dearie, I have severe disdain for the zealot christian set who just refuse to exercise even a modicum of respect for the separation of church and state. they have no respect for civil liberties...

jew know, vavvy?

ps: I am most pleased I've made it on the ramshackle "favorite" jew list!! yay!
Katie Schwartz said…
right, amers?!?!?!?
Katie Schwartz said…
so fucking true, wp! soooo fucking true!
Joe said…
Awww, I know that. I should've spelled it "Kristian" Coaster-Punchman style so you'd know I was kidding.
Anonymous said…
My fear of clowns is almost met by my fear of Xtian fundamentalists. That photo will haunt my nightmares for decades...

Katie Schwartz said…
I know you were kidding. I had the week from hell last week. you absolutely fucking made it better with this freakin' post from heaven!!!

forgive fehatty. can I still be on one of your fave jewgirl lists?

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