bidding to be bubs bitch

sprawling ramshackle has posted a fuck off FABULOUS post about, oh my fucking god, christian clowns! are you plotzing??? this post is HILAR SQUARED.
here's a snippet, but you must click through for greatness right fucking now. I peed... a little.
A few weeks ago I put up a clown training video, and it opened a door for me into a world I knew nothing about: the world of Christian Clowning.
There are websites devoted to Christian Clowning Resources; there are websites for individual performers like Kingdom Karactors (if clowns aren't your thing, they also make and sell puppets!)
Glad you liked it!
you see, dearie, I have severe disdain for the zealot christian set who just refuse to exercise even a modicum of respect for the separation of church and state. they have no respect for civil liberties...
jew know, vavvy?
ps: I am most pleased I've made it on the ramshackle "favorite" jew list!! yay!
forgive fehatty. can I still be on one of your fave jewgirl lists?