what's in a name?

been thinkin' see, bout' a new blog name and address. help me decide. stay with katie schwartz or go for one of these (available, so don't even think about boosting) camp names:

jewtawkintame : jew tawkin ta me
jewdish : jew dish
yojew : yo jew
supjewgirl : sup jew girl
superjewgirl : super jew girl
heeblette : heeblette
allthingsjewish : all things jewish
gotjew : got jew


"Allthingsjewish" is a distant second, I'm a big fan of "Katieschwartz." It's who you are and it says "accept me for who I am, or go somewhere else."
Al Sensu said…
Don't ever change.
Anonymous said…
I vote for Katie Schwartz. That's what we call you chez PoliTits. Not just Katie, but Katie Schwartz.
Anonymous said…
JDC-- Great movie! Don't worry-- at least one person got it.
Johnny Dollars,

I got that, it was Mifune-tastic!

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