queer ass poll

like I said, queer ass poll.


Al Sensu said…
If he only got laid more, we'd be better off. Or as the bumpersticker says "Somebody please blow George W. Bush so we can impeach him." Would be a great sentiment if Cheney were out of the way. You know who's next in line after him...
Anonymous said…
I think they should let the twins run the place for a while. We'd all be more laid back wouldn't we?
Katie Schwartz said…
lewch, if jorge is a freak in bed, he'd be a way better president. now, clinton was a freak in bed and a fabulous president. he was a pussy hound and probably still is. please, what self respecting hetero broad wouldn't want to drop to their knees on sock ol' clinton's cock?!?! I've yet to meet a dame from any generation that doesn't or didn't want to.
Katie Schwartz said…
al, so funny!!! I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Katie Schwartz said…
the twinkees can't do any worse, daleish.

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