home for the holidays

thanksgiving at blair's... epic.


Gian Don,

"They like to nap."

That's 'cause Blair slipped the little monsters half an Ambien apiece. It's so much more convienent than parenting.


I'm not from down there nor do I live there, but isn't it Mammoth Lake, as in singular?

"ate turkey and all the trimmings, and watched 'Nacho Libre.' Such a silly, funny movie."

Does Blair like to wear tight, stretchy pants for fun, too?
Dale said…
A lot of people would probably like to lead her girls in a little devotional I'll bet! And if that's one hell of a small restaurant wing they took over. Crazy napping fools.
Anonymous said…
"We also found time for a quick trip to Starbucks where my amazing baby brother, who is a new youth pastor, led my girls in a little devotional...."

Dale, I jumped on this one, too. Since "youth pastor" is all too often the code for either "closet homosexual" or "paedophile", I can only imagine just what Baby Bro Blair was "leading them into"... as likely as not, a good ol' session of split the unseeded bun...

I actually think this episode of CT was ghost written. I mean it's the first time in months she hasn't begged for us all to pray for her.
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
How much is Starbucks paying for the product placements?
yournamehere said…
"I'll have a venti half-calf non-fat Jesus freak, please."
Katie Schwartz said…
lewch, it is a sport. did you know that?
Katie Schwartz said…
wp to lewch, that's funny. more convenient than parenting.
Katie Schwartz said…
wp, it is singular, but blair is very special and I'm sure she had a pow-wow with j-dawg in the closet to find out if she could say mammoth lakes before commiting to it. know what I mean? she's not presumptuous.

blair wears quacker factory sets that are equally shameful. it's those stretchy pants coordinated with matching tops and body murals. truly creepy.
Katie Schwartz said…
dale, are you suggesting that men want the welchel girls on their knees sucking their man meat?
Katie Schwartz said…
mountjoy, their uncle led the goils in a devotional, not their brother. gaaaaaaaahd, get it right. if the girls blow him, it's not incest.
Katie Schwartz said…
nice, mister-mister and a really great point. she mentions starbucks every time she posts. hmmm... are they a republican company?
Katie Schwartz said…
nice, viva
Toad734 said…
Jo was better
Katie Schwartz said…
you know, toad, I always thought jo's name should've been, jessie. it's way more cliche shimmie tomboy.

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