christmas beer label banned

Ho Ho, No? State Bans Santa Beer
PORTLAND, Maine (Dec. 2) - A beer distributor says Maine is being a Scrooge by barring it from selling a beer with a label depicting Santa Claus enjoying a pint of brew.
the man has to schlep the world in less than 24 hours and he's not entitled to a celebratory beer? or is it his fabulous fat ass?
shame on you portland, maine!
Fuckin' butch it up Santa, butch it the fuck up!
But since we're talking about beer, it was also an early player in the microbrew movement and is home to my favorite brewery, Shipyard.
such a shame about the other labels. so, so sad.
how was your thanksgiving? what did you make? you're a connoisseur of fine food and wines, I imagine it was divine.