creepy neighbor

yesterday morning we were both getting into our cars at the same time. I had jewcifer with me and in the creepiest fucking tone, he said, he's your buddy, isn't he? I thought, eww. that is so porn and so wrong. I said, no more than your dog is your buddy. he looked surprised. I raised an eyebrow and said, the way you said that was creepy. sorry. but, it was.
as if. louie is my son. I know divorce lawyers. believe me, I've heard the yarns. and, no matter how you slice it, it's rape. if someone can't consent, you are raping them. it's a boundary.
This is not the same neighbor who had the breach of fellatio etiqette, is it?
Seriously, think of all the things that we men, project on women. Every time a woman walks a great Dane or dog of size, you'll hear two guys making cracks.
I can't speak for you Katie, but I'm pretty sure you don't a go lesbian at the drop of a hat, wrestle in mud or jello, wear high heels to bed. Or any number of things I would write into Penthouse, saying "I never thought this would never happen to me."
It's the teenage boy in us that projects the oddest things on women and while I know women have fantasies, theirs are rarely that in synchronization with ours.