creepiest couple of 06'

this is so wrong on every single level.

tori and dean on their love

"We sat on a bench overlooking the lake and I gave Tori her last Christmas present" – an antique platinum ring with an Edwardian oval-shaped sapphire from Neil Lane. "I'd wrapped the ring in a much bigger box, and as soon as she opened the ring box I asked her to marry me again. It was very romantic and magical."

Spelling adds that as soon as McDermott proposed, "I immediately started crying and said 'Yes! Again and again and again!' What made it so special was the notion that a year ago when he proposed, the thought of having a baby together was just in our hearts, and now our baby boy that we created from our love is nestled in my belly."

I'm not sure what creeps me out the most, the fact that she said they made the baby from their love or the fact that they are procreating.



Not sure if I have any thoughts. (It takes energy to have thoughts, and I'm on vacation.) But I loves me some Tori Spelling. I loved that show "Simply Notorious" - her artistry as an actress is unparalleled.
Nicky said…
There should be a new law created in California that states the following:

WHEREAS it is determined that Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are the creepiest couple alive in this great state of California, and
WHEREAS no one wishes to contemplate the nature and exact expression of their love, and
WHEREAS although we cannot stop this couple from having a baby, we can choose to not think about it,
THEREFORE it is hereby announced that henceforth, it shall be illegal for Ms. Spelling (or Mr. McDermott) to utter the phrase, in part or in its entirety "now our baby boy that we created from our love is nestled in my belly," with special emphasis on the last clause in such sentence. This shall make this offense punishable only by death by blugeoning.
Anonymous said…
"romantic and magical" At least this wasn't shortened to "romantical". Ew.

May their baby boy grow up and marry one of Jolie-Pitt spawn.
Katie Schwartz said…
coaster, are you being sarcastic?
Katie Schwartz said…
Katie Schwartz said…
doc, romantical would've been creepy at its finest.

do you think the jolie-pitt's fruits would be permitted to marry so arian?
Anonymous said…
You're havin' my baby, what a lovely way of sayin' how much you love me....
Katie Schwartz said…
riback, how many alter egos do you have, dahlink??!?
Katie Schwartz said…
riback, how many alter egos do you have, dahlink??!?
Anonymous said…
I can't believe how slimey I feel just looking at them. You know he left his wife for her right after they adopted a baby right?
Anonymous said…
Wow Dale, thats awful that he left his wife under those circumstances.

Obviously, while he rides Tori he's riding a squillion dollar divorce settlement.

Their saccharine sweet interviews make me wanna hurl.

Oh, will the breastmilk come out silicone flavoured?
Katie Schwartz said…
daleish, I did not know that. maybe he was banking on her inheritance or fame via osmosis, which he will be getting. they have a reality show about running a bed and breakfast coming up.

the shame.....
Katie Schwartz said…

agreed. agreed. is silicone nutritious? do we know?

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