church sign generator

run, don't walk: church sign generator.

emailing lisa welchel right now.


Anonymous said…
What a gift! I hope that Lisa W. enjoys the site as much as I did.
Katie Schwartz said…
isn't it just the best, dcup?!?!! I am so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Anonymous said…
Good work Katie. Jesus is thinking about loving you.
Amy Guth said…
Hahahaha, AHHH, hahahhahahaa. I will not speak of my life in terms of "Before knowing about the church sign generator" and "Once I knew about the church sign generator"...

You're so good to clue us in!
I was wondering about that, I've seen that same sign all over the web with different dialogue and I knew that everybody couldn't have been Photoshopping the exact same sign.
Anonymous said…
Chris has been at it a while with the generator. Check his here.
Anonymous said…
Hundreds of sign generators on (make silly cartoons to serious web graphics).

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