sick fucks

The Beijing crackdown isn't the first to make headlines this year. Here, officials club a dog to death in China's Yunnan province in April. Thousands of dogs were killed.

this is disgusting. intolerable. heartbreaking. devastating.

Protesters in Beijing wave signs reading "stop massacre" during Saturday's protest. The capital's crackdown on dogs was announced Nov. 6. Source: AP


Fair is fair. We should be able to dip the bureacrat that authorized this, in tallow and barbecue sauce, then sic every surviving dog in Bejing on him or her.
Not to mention, they haven't learned shit from the 80's, when in full panic from a disease that birds (not the avian flu) were catching, they killed every bird in sight and got rampant insect, rodent, and snake as a reward.

Vaccinate instead, it's not like the People's State doesn't have the funds.
Dale said…
Fucked up!! Those signs look more like they're condoning it.
Katie Schwartz said…
fuckin-a, wp!!!
Katie Schwartz said…
potd, I agree. you have to read the article. it's pretty disgusting.

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