we love coffee talk with lisa welchel

she has a message for us hedonists
::I hope you are able to find a few moments this week to sit in the presence of the Lord and be filled with His strength and joy::
she's so thoughtful that lisa welchel. always thinking of others.
::As you know, I’m under a crazy writing schedule these days and it probably won’t let up until December. I really appreciate your patience, understanding, and prayers. I’ll do my best to have at least a little journal entry each week.
This week I thought I’d just post a little thing I wrote the other day after reflecting on an especially sweet time just worshiping the Lord::
she's loving us hard this week. it's boring don't read it. but, do hit the archives. last week's was a doozy.
Methinks, that Blair wasn't acting on "The Facts Of Life." That, or Lisa has become Blair.