we love coffee talk with lisa welchel

she has a message for us hedonists

::I hope you are able to find a few moments this week to sit in the presence of the Lord and be filled with His strength and joy::

she's so thoughtful that lisa welchel. always thinking of others.

::As you know, I’m under a crazy writing schedule these days and it probably won’t let up until December. I really appreciate your patience, understanding, and prayers. I’ll do my best to have at least a little journal entry each week.

This week I thought I’d just post a little thing I wrote the other day after reflecting on an especially sweet time just worshiping the Lord::

she's loving us hard this week. it's boring don't read it. but, do hit the archives. last week's was a doozy.


Jay said…
They should be prescibing a dose of that lady instead of Ambien.
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
I love "the young woman who helps with the kids while we are out of town (or when I need to write) was called to Michigan for a family emergency. To say the least, God is really stretching my faith, but I’m choosing to trust Him." We have to pray for Lisa, but WTF about her nanny with the family emergency?
fingers said…
Don't know about you guys but I reckon Lisa would go off like milk in the sun...
"Then there was that when my Lord failed me. The domestic showed up to work, five whole minutes late! I chipped a nail! And then, the horror of all horrors, my husband ran out of hairspray and his hair was flat until the domestic came back from the store with a new case. Honestly, I believe she took her time!"

Methinks, that Blair wasn't acting on "The Facts Of Life." That, or Lisa has become Blair.
Katie Schwartz said…
good point, portland!
Katie Schwartz said…
mister, mister, EXACTLY MY POINT! she's so fucking selfish and un-christian. it's offensive. don't you think so?
Katie Schwartz said…
you know, wp, you make a great point! so fucking true.
Dale said…
I'm sorry but I can't read it. What the fuck is wrong with Blair? Jo needs to hold her down and broom handle her like they did to Linda Blair in that movie.

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