banning on abc??? and that republican fuck, oreilly

Shut Up and Ban! NBC's Newfound Protection of the Public
Drudge Posted Friday October 27, 2006 at 12:23 PM
Matt Drudge reports that NBC, in a sudden attack of conscience, has refused to run ads for "Shut Up And Sing," the rockumentary-turned-sociopolitical-exegesis that follows the Dixie Chicks before, during and after singer Natalie Maines' infamous anti-Bush statements at a London concert in 2003. According to reports, the network stated that it "cannot accept these spots as they are disparaging to President Bush." --you have to finish reading this article NOW--
O'Reilly's Big Lie on Letterman
by: Cenk Uygur
Bill O'Reilly at one point in his face off with David Letterman attempted to stump Letterman and prove Iraq had ties to terrorism by sighting Ansar al-Islam. According to O'Reilly, Ansar al-Islam was a terrorist group tied to al-Qaeda who was in Iraq before the war working with Saddam Hussein. Of course, it's a lie. --you have to finish reading this article NOW--
Iraq did, indeed, fund terrorism. In fact, the Iraqi government would send checks directly to the family of Palestinian suicide bombers. Here's Hitchens on Saddam's terrorism connections:
it's all very sad and tragic. we need more intelligent voters who will stop selling us out!
We always dance with fire no matter who the President or political party in power is (Kennedy approving the Bay of Pigs, who were nothing but Cuban terrorists trained by the US).
I need coffee.
I know it's true that the democrats are also guilty of many of the world's ills just like the republicans. but, as a rule, the democrats are the lesser of the two evils.
sadly, that's also how I vote. I wish it were different. I do hope that it does change. but, until then, I'd like to try to keep as many of my civil rights intact as possible and affiliate with a group that has some semblance of social responsibility.