lisa welchel, I spoke to jesus

he wanted to talk about the lisa welchel/blaire situation. who knew there was one?! well, apparently there is, and a BIG ONE at that. he's feeling hocked to death (or to life, depending on your religious slant). she doesn't stop with him. she calls constantly. she has big time creepy chick syndrome. he is so OVER IT.
anyway, he asked for my advice. I really didn't know what to tell him. poor guy. she's way ocd about him. he's thought about filing a restraining order against her. but, he's afraid it would exacerbate the situation. he's in a serious conundrum. she constantly calls for guidance, thanks, a chat, to send good wishes to her family. to help her get through the day, finish her chores, have a larger following. she wants, and wants and wants. her neediness is overwhelming!
it's just way too one-sided. she never EVER asks about him. she's so selfish. and, you know how selfless that jesus is.
I told him that because she believes in the whole heaven and hell thing, he should recruit the evil forces of nature to lead her down the path of temptation. but to make her think it's what he wants. he thought it was a good idea, so he's going to give it a whirl.
I'll let you know how it goes. he said he'd call me next week.
show your boobies::
Jesus must really be fuckin' awesome. I wouldn't know.