I'm menstruating

yes. it's true. the dams have broken and I am bleeding. my lips have parted for the red seas to flow.
I have the worst fucking cramps on the planet.
my vagina hurts.
my dog has a lump on his ankle and his shoulder. god willing, it's nothing.
I can't stop feeling myself up. it's almost breast cancer awareness month and I'm a ddd, so it's not a 10 minute thing. more like 10 hours.
I've had to cut myself off from my vibrator. paco and I were getting a little too close. I'm hoping for vibrator privileges when I can exercise restraint.
I'm a slut. this will be difficult.
do not forget to read the boobiethon post and to expose your beautiful boobies for breast cancer awareness this month!
potd, that's my grandparents wedding picture. it's tits, ain't it?