from tits mccoy

I'm going to start responding to comments. everyone else does! yes, if everyone started jumping off the brooklyn bridge of course I'd follow suit.


Al Sensu said…
I think we need more posts about your breasts. Clearly, they're a *big* deal for you, what with the "I love my breasts" shirt and that in writing these comments we are responding to your cleavage for God's sake. So let's see more about dem brusts.
AL RULES said…
i think genious runs though the veins of all things AL. i totally agree.
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
you three-dimensional humans are so obsessed with breasts. what's so great about your breasts? you only have two, and each one only has one nipple. and the men's ones are so flat, except on william shatner.
Narrator said…
You're going to START? I thought you DID, but were just lazy about it :)))

I'm so happy -- more Katie!
In that case, /where/ exactly is your cleavage waiting?
Katie Schwartz said…
mars: by the dock of the bay of course!

vocab: I never responded to comments because I am a lazy vile cow.

mister mister: so digging this alien mojo you're working.

ah, the "als": one a porn god. the other a cartoon god. a mutual appreciation of knockers. a well hung girl must appreciate this.
Narrator said…
Katie, that's as good as any reason.
sounds like its just wasting time there.

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