lisa welchel's letter to jesus

Dear Lord, thank You for this struggle of obedience I am facing. Thank You for giving me an opportunity to choose You over myself. I resolve in my heart to obey You and resist temptation. I will not _________ (do the thing I was planning to do.) Now, Lord, I confess that I need your help. I cannot obey in my own strength. Be my Defender and my Deliverer. You are able to deliver the godly from temptation. Thank You for that. I will give you all the praise for the victory. Help me to walk in obedience with every step. Have mercy on me. I want to choose You. Help me. Give me strength and mercy when I am weak. Battle the forces of darkness on my behalf because of Your goodness. I am your child and servant and I look to You to be bigger than me and take care of me. Thank You, Daddy.
for me, the thank you, daddy, just sends it home. I'm talking standing ovation worthy performance in creepiness squared. THANK YOU, DADDY!
the shame.....
It's okay to listen to Rob Zombie's Greatest Hits, Lisa. No one will know but the Lord and you.