creepy chick syndrome

katie: dude, I think I freaked out my distraction today
nicoleo: oh yeah
nicoleo: what happened?
katie: I developed a really scary case of creepy chick syndrome
katie: it was bad nicole
onicoleo: OMG!!!!
nicoleo: hahahahahaha
nicoleo: what did you do?!
katie: oh dude
katie: I can tell you without reservation or hesitation
katie: the truth
katie: well, I just kinda fuckin lost it
katie: got really inapropriately insecure
katie: and said, "what's wrong? am I boring you? am I irritating to you? i dont understand what's going on and why you havent emailed me back."
katie: then when I didnt hear back
katie: because I hadnt FREAKED HIIM OUT ENOUGH
katie: I thought, gee, katie, why dont you just terrify the pants off of him
katie: so I emailed him again and said, "oh, god, I think I just went all creepy chick syndrome on you. I am so sorry. I think I caught it from a girlfirend. it's really not my personality to creep people out, but well, I'm real sorry"
katie: dude, you think he emailed me back?
katie: of course not
katie: I had it bad today
nicoleo: dude he totally got creepy guy syndrome on you last week
katie: true, but let's face it, nicoleo, a guy has the luxury of creepy guy syndrome. women dont
katie: once we've been categorized, WE'RE FUCKED
katie: there's no turning back
katie: it's the titanic!
katie: balls to the wall destruction
katie: men sit shiva for this!
Katie: women forgive
nicoleo: good point. hahahaha. but hey - he's a distraction, and therefore fun to digitally fuck with
katie: HAHAHA
katie: you are so bad
katie: who the fuck goes creepy chick syndrome on a distraction anyway?!?!?!?
katie: what a dumb ass


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