jewgirl is on a tear

it's no secret that I've become obsessed with christian homeschool families and zealot christians. I'm writing a super dark comedy about it. hey, at least I know it had a purpose in my life. gaahhhd?!

in the meantime, during my online travels, I happened upon, hal lindsey, divine oracle, and this article about his show, the international intelligence briefing being canceled from tbn. he knew it was coming because god told him satan was about to launch a grand scale attack on his supreme high-ugliness. Apparently, halolicious was not reporting accurate news, and speaking too highly o' the heebs and spouting anti-muslim rhetoric at the speed of light.

so, I decided to email him about his tbn suspends iib post:

But you aren't reporting the truth, Hal, anymore than TBN is. You give food, clothing and a roof to the desperate poor international communities in exchange for a commitment to Christianity. What you practice is extortion and intolerance; a total lack of respect and regard to cultures with thousands of years of history and beauty. It is unconscionable and reprehensible. Sadly, it is you and your zealot brothers and sisters who are, as you say, Lucifer.

Shame on you and everything you stand for. You represent the ugliest and worst aspect of freedom of speech and the American dream.

My wish for you is enlightenment, awareness and tolerance.

Thank God you are off the air. God willing TBN will not be far behind.

after I sent that, sure, I felt better. but I got to thinking... how cruel of me not to also email tbn. I would hate to make jan crouch (has her own website) feel left out or anyone else from trinity disgusting network.

so, I sent this lil' note along:

In response to taking Hal off the air. Bravo! But, much like your colleague, Hal, my only hope is that TBN is not far behind. You are equally corrupt. One of your many sins: you give food, clothing and a roof to the desperate poor international communities in exchange for a commitment to Christianity. What you practice is extortion and intolerance; a total lack of respect and regard to cultures with thousands of years of history and beauty. It is unconscionable and reprehensible. Sadly, it is you and your zealot brothers and sisters who are, as you say, the devil.

Shame on you and everything you stand for. You represent the ugliest and worst aspect of freedom of speech and the American dream.

My wish for you is enlightenment, awareness and tolerance.

God willing TBN will be off the air and exposed for the thieves you are.

ok, so there's crossover... it's not like it's NOT worth repeating!


Anonymous said…
Keep in mind that in the USA, white collar criminals usually get probation, and that only happens if they have blatantly robbed thousands of people. Otherwise they are just scolded and asked to donate to the Republican Party.
Anonymous said…
Keep fighting the real good fight, Katie!

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