doc's comment on book banning -- Update

I moderate comments, so they are emailed to me and this is the email I received from about Doc's comment that she posted to my site in its entirety. she can deny she made a comment until the cows come home, it's simply not true.

From: Doc []
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:51 PM
Subject: New comment on book banning

Doc has left a new comment on your post "
book banning":

I'm sorry, moron, explain what being a lesbian has to do with not supporting child abuse?Supporting these people and their abusive books would be the same as supporting Hitler killing millions of Jews.

Grow a brain, little girl. And stay off my website.

the green bits are doc's comments posted to my book banning entry.

"I'm sorry, moron, explain what being a lesbian has to do with not supporting child abuse?

If you're going to quote the moron, could you at least get it right?! gahhhd. I can't believe a lesbian is advocating censorship. I'm not gay, but I have a lot of gay friends and gay family members. not only are gay voices censored, but so are their rights. it's not about the content. it's about freedom of speech.

"Supporting these people and their abusive books would be the same as supporting Hitler killing millions of Jews."

how do you make THAT CONNECTION?! that's just all kinds of wrong on every level. you're comparing the holocaust to a book on raising children! yes, their methodology is psychotic.

nobody's asking you to support them. you have the right to voice your opinion against what they are advocating. that is the beauty of freedom of speech. why seek to ban their books? what if someone wanted to ban your website because you were a lesbian? if you ban books you don't agree with, you're opening yourself up and others to being censored.

"Grow a brain, little girl. And stay off my website."

what kind of brain would you like me to grow, princess? did you have something specific in mind?


Anonymous said…
Banning books based on content is generally a bad idea. Certainly we have lost some freedoms over the years due to books being banned though I'm totally at a loss as to what exactly you are talking about.
The issue here is not about sexuality or books or freedoms. The issue at hand is a book that blatantly advises parents to beat their children. Your rights and freedoms do not extend away from you forever to do anything and say/write anything you wish. To some extent, we should have all that freedom to say/do/write. But sometimes, an interested outside party needs to step in.
Seat belt and car seat and child restraint laws might seem to infringe on my rights and freedoms, but they are intended to save lives, mostly those lives that are too young to make safe decisions for themselves.
Children are powerless in the face of the adults in their lives unless those adults give them power, a voice to speak up. If those parents practice abuse in the guise of corporal punishment, then perhaps those parents should not have all their rights. It's sort of akin to calling CPS on your neighbor becaue you know he/she is abusing their child. While we should be secure in the privacy of our homes to do what we want, we all have a responsibility to the children to speak up when they can't.
Please don't damn our effort to help with your skewed view of your own rights.

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