me and my crackberry

Well, it's true. Cat's out of the bag. I have my first non-food related addiction.

My crackberry.

When I first got it, I was too much of a wuss to use it. I was scurred. It seemed so overwhelming. But one day, I picked up the manual and started reading about it. I even took a 3D-creepy-geek-tour.

The minute I plugged that sweet berry into my USB drive to charge, we bonded. I couldn't stop spinning the wheel, clicking, spinning, clicking and spinning. Before I knew it, I was aggregating three email addresses, multi-tasking with tasks and calling everyone in the free world, including Cingular for support.

My vulva lips fell out when I was automatically redirected to crackberry support. I called six more times JUST TO MAKE SURE it really existed and wasn't a dream.

My crackberry is always there. She rarely lets me down, unless I have no emails for long periods of time. But I realized that I could just aggregate more email addresses to hit the spot.

I jones for it when it's in my bag or sitting beside me, unlit. I'll scroll the wheel just to see. Occasionally an email will have popped in without the signature buzz. I sigh, relieved.

I love my crackberry.


Anonymous said…
How addictive are they? As addictive as reading and writing blogs, an obsession along those lines? Or are they as addictive as chocolate?
Anonymous said…
it blows blog writing away, not writing, but blog writing, which I'm just acclimating to.


how shameful is this, I had a nightmare that somebody boosted my blackberry. I woke up practically in tears. Seeing her nestled comfortably on my nightstand was the fix I needed to go back to sleep.

Anonymous said…
"I had a nightmare that somebody boosted my blackberry. I woke up practically in tears. Seeing her nestled comfortably on my nightstand was the fix I needed to go back to sleep."

Definitely a sign that an intervention is needed, Katie. You need a twelve step for Crackberries and ask Colin Farrell to bring it up wherever the hell he is detoxing for them to expand into rehab for handheld electronic devices.

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