From Pappa Schwartz

Thanks, Pops! Kick ass image.
Have we all seen this?


Joe said…
Anonymous said…
Your papa rocks.
Anonymous said…
Awesome! Someone really does need to apologize for the existence of that man!

Randal Graves said…
Pappa S is a mensch. I love him.
Anonymous said…
HIlarious!! OH that's just too good. Thank you!
Distributorcap said…
you mean there isnt revisionist history going on YET! like for St. Ronnie
Mauigirl said…

Have a great Thanksgiving, Katie!
Cormac Brown said…
I forgot this morning, Happy Thanksgiving!
Paul D Brazill said…
smashing. I'll TWOC it! ta!(nice 2 meet you,too)
Anonymous said…
Waaaaay cool, Katie! Not only because it's a kick ass sign (and I'm so jealous - I just did a blog post of funny signs we saw all over the country on our travels, but none were as good as this), and because your dad obviously voted well, unlike mine!

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