Everyone Needs Self Help

Romius blogs the Self Help Center, The Karl Marx blog and Bathos for the Misanthropic. He's not creepy insane, he's funny, clever, unhinged insane.
He's the kind of person you can say anything to, like, I had this crazy nightmare last night that my landlord raped a turtle while watching the gardener masturbate and he wouldn't judge you. You could also say, I think I saw a three-way between a couple of horses while driving along the PCH, but I'm not sure and he'd engage you. Or, Do you think clipping fingernails in a kitchen sink is gross? I do. He'd give you a laundry list of pros and cons.
That is how Romius rolls, yo, extreme candor. No judgment.
He writes what's on his mind, regardless of whether it offends you, makes you uncomfortable or makes you think. All of that is moot, really. He certainly won't refrain from expounding on how he feels to suit you. These are the things I adore the most about him.
To give you a sampling of his recent posts from Self Help, Magic Johnson Fakes Aids, I Pretend I can be Positive About Life, I don't get the Internet at Work, but I do get to see a lot of Pregnant Jail bait.
Romius, my dear, HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY! I might not comment on your bloggy as much as I should, but I adore you and I enjoy seeing you in the blogosphere. You would be painfully missed if you ever stopped blogging, so DON'T.
And here I thought Romius T was my own little secret love.
My dear. What can I say? I am honored by your lavish attention and wonderful review. You are a dear and as always we will be blog buddies for life! I think I can even forgive your lack of commenting now.
What else can I say but.... thanks. There was way too much pressure on me. My work here is done.. cause you did it for me.
Now I have to go cure cancer and stuff.