Fran I Am

Early this morning, I had the privilege of spending an hour with the divine Miss Fran I Am. Her meshpucha is in town for a spell. We had a cup of percolated squeezed beans and noshed a bit while dishing aplenty, I have news. Franygirl is as adorable as she can be.

Meeting her was the highlight of my week. You know that feeling when you meet someone for the first time, but you feel like you've known them for twenty years so you pick right where you left off? That's what it was like meeting Frannylish! She has an infectious laughter, a beautiful smile and a
fabulous personality. She's one hell of a dame and I hope to spend more time with her in the future.

So far I've met four bloggers offline and adored them madly. I couldn't be happier. Now, I'm on a mission to meet all of yas, so watch out. Jewgirl is comin fah' ya. Not in a creepy stalkeree way, calm down. More in a Teeny crushing-you-with-my-love kind of way.


Come and get me baby, I dare ya. :)
Anonymous said…
And when you do, don't forget to swing by Georgia for a squeeze. Glad you dolls had a great time.
Tanya Espanya said…

I'm mental envious!

I'm hoping to meet Fran She Is in a couple of weeks. And you, Katiecakes, when will I crush you with my love?

Glad you had a great visit!

Katie Schwartz said…
Monkey Mucker, I am coming for you, child. Make no mistake and do not test me ;)
Katie Schwartz said…
D-Diva, you bet your sweet Georgian ass I'm comin fah' ya girl.
Katie Schwartz said…
Teenylish, I know you're going to meet Frannygirl. She told me. I can't wait until you two crush each other with your love. It will be fabulous!

PS: Love your "OH.NO.YOUSE.DINT!!!!"

you are more dramatic than I am. How is this possible?!
BAC said…
Put me on that list ... and I want to meet Fran, too! Road trip to DC??

Fran said…
I thought I left a comment when I was still in LA... Oy the whole fucking pc and google and blogs were fecacta then, so I guess I did not.

In all seriousness, meeting you was a true joy - really a great gift of my life.

As for adorable - you gorgeous girl, I could so totally be in love with you, well I am actually, but there is that whole Mr. He Is business and I just can't leave the guy, ya know?!

By mid-afternoon Friday, Mr. He Is, P&J (LA Friends) and Step Daughter She Is were all saying that now they wanted to meet you too. I spoke of you non-fucking-stop.

I will say that I had a sort of "shituation" when I used the "powder room" at the CBTL when we parted company. It was more of a piss-uation, I will explain later, but it did involve a second shower AND laundry when I got back to Los Feliz.

Anyway, enough of my yakking! Thanks for this beautiful post.
Katie Schwartz said…
BAC, YES! Road trip to DC. I'm all over it, girl.
Katie Schwartz said…

I dished about you all afternoon, too. The goils want to meet the great Frannygirl.

You are a stunning dame. So cute. We can be sister wives. Ha.

I am so sorry about the pishuation. Oy vey. Glad you made it home safe and sound.
Dale said…
I'm scared but titillated. Come and get me.

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