Dirty Ass Humor, Monkeybicycle Issue 5

You see the little Monkeybicycle icon in the sidebar? Take a look, ga'head. See it now? That's a link to order the Monkeybicycle dirty humor issue NOW on sale. <-- You can click there, too. Guthy posted about this a few days ago and mentioned what a tough time the publishers had getting it printed because it was it was considered too dirty. Being a part of a collection of work considered too filthy to print is something to be proud of.

Check out this line-up: Sarah Silverman, Patton Oswalt, Myfanwy Collins, Johnny Ryan, Davy Rothbart, Wendy Molyneux, Aaron Burch, Bret Scott, Elizabeth Ellen, Matt Craig, Timothy Bennet, Pete Grosz, Liliana V. Blum, Katie Schwartz, Tyler Smith, Michael Frissore, Antonius Wiriadjaja, Amy Guth, J. Marcus Weekley, Matt Summers-Sparks, C. J. Kershner, Ben Tanzer, Jennifer Dziura, Peter Bognanni, Charlie Anders, David Hart, Noria Jablonski, Bob Fingerman, Vince LiCata, Jack Pendarvis, Christopher Monks, and an introduction by David Cross.

You must buy a copy! I just got mine in the mail and started reading it-- Each essay is sicker than the next, it's so wrong on every level, it's right. Run. Read. Now. Loving....


Joe said…
I will have to seek that out. Last night Ms. Guth entertained us with a delightfully raunchy story involving a famous author and an afro wig stuffed under a bikini. I can't do it justice, but ask her about it.
Katie Schwartz said…
How fabulous. I will definitely ask her. She's a riot, isn't she! The broad really knows how to spin a raunchy yarn. Love the girl.
DivaJood said…
Does it reach the levels of The Aristocrats?
That is quite a lineup, especially that Scwartz chick, she makes men drop their Mad Magazines all over the world.
Katie Schwartz said…
Diva Jood, unquestionably, YES. YES. YES. And we loved the Aristocrats, did we not!!!
Katie Schwartz said…
WP, you are so sweet. awww, grazie
DivaJood said…
Not only loved the movie, but actually love anyone who can tell the joke. Which I can do.
Katie Schwartz said…
I knew you loved it, DivaJood. I got the vibe. You know how you do. Love that you can tell that joke. It's one of my faves.
Freida Bee said…
What a sexy line-up. It's a must have.
Katie Schwartz said…
Right, FB! Some of my favey comedy writers evah.

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