Oy Vey

Did everyone have a firecrackin' 4th of July? Who did we do?
Last night, I stayed home, though I did have a nightmare. Judging from the content, I would have to say that my mind gave whatever fireworks I might have seen, a run for their money.
- The third anniversary (Mazel Tov) edition of Farmhouse Magazine is online now and it is fierce! Off-the-hook fiction, satire, poetry and of course, equally ya-may-zing images, too. Check it out, yo. I think the House of Farm is edgier then ever. Me likey.
- Yesterday, I caught up on some bloggys. WriteProcrastinator has a kick ass post about the Sunset district in SF with links to beautiful pictures. Frannylish wrote about "Sister of Charity Louise Lears, forced out of all church ministerial roles". Sister LL is an altruistic dame, a preacher, teacher and a true beacon of hope for the poor. She's all about justice and equality. Why wouldn't you want such a mensch like this in your corner?! I signed the petition and all. Such a shondj.
- I make 4th of July resolutions, not many, just a few key rezzies that might liberate me from useless patterns and habits.
- Bubbsie e-stalked me the most fabulous fucking link on the planet. A vadgey spa opening in NYC. Just what I always wanted, to be fingerbanged by a gyny while I Kegel. Some of the "spa" treatments are a fuckin' riot: Lazy Susan, Lip Sync, Inner Strength Personal Trainer, the list goes on for days... Grazie, B
- Have you been following SaltyMeat's vacation review? The pictures are divine and the commentary is quite perfect-- very bacon.
That was my jar hitting the keyboard over "P.H.I.T."
Thanks for the Sister Louise linkage- she is a dame of a dame indeed.
Oh man- that post about Rome blew my head off. But don't worry, I am vaginally ok and no spa trip or tune up is needed!
That'll be $150, ma'am.
And aside from a "dusting and cleaning", my uterus is holding up fairly well thankyouverymuch.
And hows come there aren't any "spas" to make men feel insecure about their wangy peen or shrively ballsack?
Pleash posting about Sister Louise-I'm happy to spread the word.
Mazel on a firm (in your words) spwat, which made me scream by the by...
Love what you said about peeny spas. So true. I think these vadge spas and rejuvenation clinics serve to perpetuate our insecurities about the goods we got. Most unfestive.
I do think it goes both ways, though. Men get bombarded by Viagra ads and give-her-the-fuck-of-her-life-with-your-ginormous-rod spams. If I had a penis, I wonder if I'd feel insecure about my size. What do you think girlie?
You did?! Spill. You did not. No. Seriously? No. Really?
Not fah nuttin, I've set my own hair on fire countless times. It happens, bubbsiekins.
If I had a peen, I'd probably waver betweent abject fear of it being too small and not giving a fuck and waving it around for all to see.
Just to be on the safe side though, I'd probably get REALLY really good at talking to the kitty.
By the way, that's some free advice to all of the menfolk out there reading.
A big dick will only get you so far. It's nice and all, but a man who knows what's what below is a man with no shortage of puss.
Word gets out about *that* kind of man too.
I fear the guilt would kill me. Oy vey. It's like if I were ever to become a Madame, I'd have to make sure my girls had insurance and that hooking was truly their passion. Otherwise, I digress...
Like you, if I had a cock, I'd want the world to see it. Sadly, I'd probably be one of those cock-frock junkies, the kind of guy who needed to have his package on perma display.