Queen of the Road by Doreen Orion

Doreen Orion is the author of newly released Queen of the Road, "The True Tale of 47 States, 22,000 Miles, 200 Shoes, 2 Cats, 1 Poodle, a Husband, and a Bus with a Will of its Own." She's also a humor essayist and has written many stellar essays, a few can be found on Huffington Post here and here. Run. Read. Now. Fab.
Recently, Doreen was featured on Nevada NPR. You must listen to her dish Queen of the Road. She also blogs, "Medicinal Musings from a Mobile Shrink, AKA Queen of the Road".

I'm sure you've seen her around All the Way from Oy to Vey, she's left deliciously sarcastic comments-- she's just like us.

In this moment, Doreen is schlepping around the country reading and signing her book. I am looking forward to attending one of her readings because (A) she's a riot. (B) She wears a boa. (C) At her Las Vegas reading at Borders Books, an Elvis renewed one lucky couple's vows. what's not to love?!
I just bought Queen of the Road and should have it in a few days (I can't wait to read it). The minute I run into Mrs. Orion, I am going to beg her to sign it. I've dished with her plenty over email and she's as adorable, sweet, brilliant and hysterical as you'd imagine her to be. A genuine and cozy broad, like latkes and sour cream with homemade applesauce. Her work is as fabulous as she is.

You must run and buy yourself a copy of the Queen's book assssssssssssappy. Follow her book tour on her blog. Catch a reading. Check out her essays on HuffPo and listen to her podcasts, filled with excerpts from her book. She's SO FUNNY. I adore the girl.
Mazel Tov, bubbie!


Fran said…
Mazel tov to Dorion - must go get the book.

If Katie says get, I get.

That full-time nudity thing skeeves me out from a cleanliness and furniture standpoint.
Doreen Orion said…
Can't be funny about this one, just saying HUGE THANKS to Katie!

Full time nudity? I think you may have read the wrong book (and I want to know which one!). We visited a nudist RV park for a few days out of our year-long trip. Hope that's less skeevey for ya.

Sorry, I was referring to the essay...

"She explained that when inside the park, one is required to be naked."
Doreen Orion said…
Ahhh. Thanks for clarifying. I think the one exception they make is for the chef. He wears an apron.
"He wears an apron."


Katie Schwartz said…
Doreeny darling, such a pleasure.

I hope I have the moxie to go naked in public at some point. It sounds like it has the potential to be a liberating experience.

One of my friends is a nudist. She goes on retreats with other nudists twice a year and she absolutely loves it.
Katie Schwartz said…
Frannylish, you will love Doreen's book. I have been reading it and it's fabulous, smart and funny as hell.
Katie Schwartz said…
WP, I totally hear ya, babe. One day, we'll do it, too. How fab would that be!!!
Doreen Orion said…

As I'm visiting my family in NYC this weekend, I'm wishing them all, "Happy Jew-li 4th!" as you did to me and I'm cackling the whole time.
Katie Schwartz said…
Dorreeny darling, donchya just adore Jew-li 4th?! It's so us ;)

I hope your trip is a wonderful and festive on.
Doreen Orion said…
Just wanted to report: In NYC is the very first time I have EVAH (as you might say, dear Katie) been asked for ID before signing my book in a store.

I kid you not.
Katie Schwartz said…

That is hysterical. I cannot believe they actually wanted to see your ID. How fucking funny. Oy vey.

Anonymous said…
OMG! :D what a post. anything else?? everything´s alright?? :) you got it, baby.

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