Jew Wanna Know Why?

My beautiful, wonderful, altruistic sister is a teacher at a progressive private middle school. The kind of school I'd want to send my children to. They promote non-violence, foster creativity, and have implemented an Eco-education program. Fab, right? Right.
Today during lunch, right in front of the Jewess that is my sister, Student-A (who she's been teaching for 3-years), said to Student-B, "You worthless Jew, you should have been killed in Auschwitz."
Heartbroken, enraged and shaking as a result, she managed to handle herself with enviable dignity and grace, under what I regard as horrific circumstances.
She immediately took him to the Principal's office. With great pride and zero remorse, he not only acknowledged what he said, he continued on a tirade of hate that she'd never seen in him before. He also showed them web pages he'd authored, replete with Swastika backgrounds and venom for my people.
Here's the kicker... The kid is half-Jewish.
Take it in.
I know.
Ya need a minute.
I know.
Ya need a minute.
Do you believe?!
The kid was expelled immediately.
The FBI and the police were called, that's how serious the situation was and is. His parents are devastated and shocked. I do wonder how they didn't know. Is that odd? He's got to have a full psych evaluation (Thank God).
After all was said and done, my sister took a minute, had one of those deep sobbing moments a girl needs after enduring that kind of hate and walked right back into her classroom to teach her students.
I'm in awe of the girl.
--Shameful, Funny Side Note--
She told one of her colleagues about what happened and he said, "Oh, I'm not really good with history. Is Auschwitz like a famous place?" Always the sardonic diva, regardless of circumstance, in a deadpan voice, she said, "It's a concentration camp." He asked, "Really? What kind?"
OY to the VEY. Capisceka?!
A counselor is coming in, to speak with the kids and the teachers. I'm very glad about that. Tonight, we had a lovely nosh and a good cry. I'm so proud of her.
The kid was expelled immediately.
The FBI and the police were called, that's how serious the situation was and is. His parents are devastated and shocked. I do wonder how they didn't know. Is that odd? He's got to have a full psych evaluation (Thank God).
After all was said and done, my sister took a minute, had one of those deep sobbing moments a girl needs after enduring that kind of hate and walked right back into her classroom to teach her students.
I'm in awe of the girl.
--Shameful, Funny Side Note--
She told one of her colleagues about what happened and he said, "Oh, I'm not really good with history. Is Auschwitz like a famous place?" Always the sardonic diva, regardless of circumstance, in a deadpan voice, she said, "It's a concentration camp." He asked, "Really? What kind?"
OY to the VEY. Capisceka?!
A counselor is coming in, to speak with the kids and the teachers. I'm very glad about that. Tonight, we had a lovely nosh and a good cry. I'm so proud of her.
Everyone's comments were fantastic and wonderful and thank you for your fabulousness. Bubbsie, the law enforcement adonis mentioned a few things I'd not heard of and wanted to be sure to share.
"There's a publication I get regularly, the Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report, and I also get stuff all the time from the ADL. This stuff is always out there, right underneath the surface ready to bubble up at any time. Right now one of the most active white supremacist groups in the Chicago area recruits heavily, and is largely composed of, Polish-born teens on the northwest side. How sick is that--kids from a country invaded by nazis adopting nazi imagery?"
"As for the kid himself--tell your sister to keep her eyes open and run like hell/call police if she sees that kid anywhere in her vicinity. And, sadly, he's not the first self-hating Jew to cross the line into nazi territory. Frank Collins, Chicago's most prominent neo-nazi back in the late 70's and 80's, was "exposed" by fellow nazis as being Jewish. The ADL and SPLC have profiled a handful of other men who've done similar things."
"There's a publication I get regularly, the Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report, and I also get stuff all the time from the ADL. This stuff is always out there, right underneath the surface ready to bubble up at any time. Right now one of the most active white supremacist groups in the Chicago area recruits heavily, and is largely composed of, Polish-born teens on the northwest side. How sick is that--kids from a country invaded by nazis adopting nazi imagery?"
"As for the kid himself--tell your sister to keep her eyes open and run like hell/call police if she sees that kid anywhere in her vicinity. And, sadly, he's not the first self-hating Jew to cross the line into nazi territory. Frank Collins, Chicago's most prominent neo-nazi back in the late 70's and 80's, was "exposed" by fellow nazis as being Jewish. The ADL and SPLC have profiled a handful of other men who've done similar things."
She told one of her colleagues about what happened and he said, "Oh, I'm not really good with history. Is Auschwitz like a famous place?" Always the sardonic diva, regardless of circumstance, in a deadpan voice, she said, "It's a concentration camp." He asked, "Really? What kind?""
This was a shameful joke I would say to you, but WTF? A colleague? That means a teacher, right?
Maybe I'm too sensitive tonight (I've been researching that Christian terrorist/Identity Doctrine - shit for the last few hours, but fuck!
The world really is a sad and shameful place that survives dispute its best intentions to do otherwise.
I feel very sick and tired right now. This says a lot since I'm still PISSED OFF at the cock-in-office who just said that he gave up golf because of the troops dying in Iraq.
Most decent people, when confronted by real hate, are shocked almost to the point of inaction because they can't comprehend people believing that or acting that way.
There's a publication I get regularly, the Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report, and I also get stuff all the time from the ADL. This stuff is always out there, right underneath the surface ready to bubble up at any time. Right now one of the most active white supremacist groups in the Chicago area recruits heavily, and is largely composed of, Polish-born teens on the northwest side. How sick is that--kids from a country invaded by nazis adopting nazi imagery?
What maybe sickens me more than a disturbed adolescent bigot is a teacher who doesn't know what Auschwitz was.
As for the kid himself--tell your sister to keep her eyes open and run like hell/call police if she sees that kid anywhere in her vicinity. And, sadly, he's not the first self-hating Jew to cross the line into nazi territory. Frank Collins, Chicago's most prominent neo-nazi back in the late 70's and 80's, was "exposed" by fellow nazis as being Jewish. The ADL and SPLC have profiled a handful of other men who've done similar things.
It's all incomprehensible and shamefully wrong.
Next time you see your sis, buy her a drink for me, would you?
Your sister is my hero.
Timing - on a far different scale, one of the most spiritual people that I know called me last night.
We were talking about a problem that still lingers from my house sale. Basically my attorney screwed something up and it is going to cost me $2,000.
This woman, who is in her late 60's - who I know to be deeply prayerful and reflective said, without missing a beat - "Well that's a Jew lawyer for you."
I was stunned and had to hang up. She has since sent an apology email, but I can't go there just yet.
That is why what happened at school is so important. And your sister's grace is very apparent.
And his parents "devistated"?
How can you not know??
God Bless Your Sister and you as well for so eliquently expressing it.
Oi. Oi. Oi. My head.
As far as the kid. I don't understand. I don't want to understand. I still remember the absolute venom a customer threw my way once because I was working on Christmas and therefore had to be Jewish.
Don't understand. Don't want to.
She could always tell him that it was a 70s game show. The prizes were lame, but the elimination round was awful.
It bugs me so much that I can't stop commenting on this thread.
Makes me wonder where "we" went wrong.
Yet somehow, he's a 100% racist putz.
"He asked, 'Really? What kind?"
He was straight up baiting her. I can believe that Bush cruised through college and learned absolutely nothng, but a teacher couldn't get a degree without learning about Auschwitz at somepoint. This guy is just a big a schmuck as the kid, he's just a little more subtle about it.
Kudos to your sister for showing an unbelivable amount of restraint and not making an ugly situation worse, I woulda slapped that kid until I got something akin to tennis elbow...then gone ambidextrous on him.
We went to Dachau about 10 years ago when we were in Germany. As we walked through the gate, several skin head teens swaggered past us, talking loudly, laughing, carrying a boom box, as if they were going on a picnic.
Like your sister's experience, it was a difficult reminder that hate and ignorance exist everywhere, even where you least expect it.
Your Chandler is showing.
how old is this kid? as someone who grew up with a good amount of anti-semitism directed towards me, i know there's a big difference between annoying comments ("you jew") and truly hateful stuff. the kid, sadly, sounds totally mental. i hope he gets straightened out before he ends up in prison or physically harming someone.