I'm trying to figure out how this benefits the blind. Blind people might want to comment, but can't. How the fuck do you plug in "zzp-zzeeep-jshuup-zzp-zzzmmm"?! I'm all twisted up about it. I think we should all eliminate word verification and kvetch to Google about it. This is what I feel. Are you with me?
Other dish... Guthyroo sent me a fabulous Katie Schwartz post that is just too fabulous. The Katie Schwartz who posted here is a lesbian and she's verbally kickin' the ass out of a fucktard REPUBEican. Love ha.
Shpritznagel sent the funniest funny or die video I've seen in aaaaages. In my next life, I'm coming back as an Asian queen in a skin tight, crushed velvet silver cat suit.
Diva FranIam sent out a missive for fundraising this week and I think we should all donate and help Kiara's family. They're trying to raise money for surgery that their health insurance will not cover. The bastahds-- I hate that shit. Read the yarn about Kiara on Franalish's bloggy.
Loving you sister.
Thanks for Kiara and her family.
don't throw yourself off a bridge; it's messy and you will have the "why did i do this?" moment before hitting the water. sleeping pills or handguns work much better.
i thought your new site looks pretty sweet. a few revealing photos, and you're set.