Hell has just Frozen Over

Anne Cunt Coulter is ENDORSING Hillary Clinton over John McCain. I think my vulva lips just went awry.


Joe said…
Great. So if McCain gets the GOP nod, then Hillary can count on the crazy right wing tranny vote.
Brocklesnitch said…
Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse?
yournamehere said…
I think the thing I took from this is "Wow, Ann Coulter really really hates John McCain's fucking guts."
Anonymous said…
What of Michelle Malkin though? I yearn for news of her endoresment.
Brocklesnitch said…
Me too!

Maybe we should set up some sort of entryway to her mind.

We could call it "Being Michelle Malkin"

Imagine the weird scary shit going on in that mind.
holly said…
i think this is a trick because i wouldn't touch anyone anne coulter likes with a ten foot pole, and i think she knows this. cuz my vote is real important...
Fran said…
Being Michelle Malkin??? I feel real fear!!!

Actually this sorta kinda makes me want to go vote for McCain.

And we all know that she is posturing around her McCain hate speech.

What a witch.
Distributorcap said…
and this from an asshole that wants to take the vote away from women

i wonder what happens to Ann and Rush if McCain wins (god forbid!) do they melt
Romius T. said…
good thing I just saw your post I was about to blog the same thing...again. Damn it!
Yes, another successful brain-washing by my subsidiary, "E-Brainwash!"

Actually, this has to be some weird reverse psychology or they've just moved a NHL franchise down to Hades.
Eebie said…
Incredible, I love the response of the guy opposite her.

Very clever response by writeprocrastinator and the NHL in Hades. I'd send him a nickel, every time I use it.
Oh Ann, you know you don't mean it. Your book isn't selling so you are just searching for a new spotlight to shine on you. Nobody cares really what you say except the guys on fox news, and well, their ratings aren't much better than yours.

We over here on the evil left really would like you to stay in your cave and just do your little rants from there.

It's all yours, unless I forget and put it in a short story, some six months from now.
Anonymous said…
"...they've just moved a NHL franchise down to Hades..."

They have already. It's called Anaheim.

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