A Little of This...

Bartholomew is doing a real bang up job tonight on naybah girl. I reckon the boy found her g-spot tonight. Good show, Bartholomew. I'm thrilled for you. Dying to know what he looks like. She's showering him in yelping mew's, gasping to call out his full name. You know how she likes to do.
Check out these keywords I've been coming up on:
- danny bonaduce penis and danny bonaduce's penis: One post and now I'm the bondaduce teen peen queen?!
- coco fishnet and coco fishnet dress: I post about her split knish, not her fishnets
- vintage pussy: vinty whore, yes. geriatric porn fan, no.
- christian domestic discipline: OCD about that, sweetie
- john mayer jewish: Is he one of us?
- Katie Schwartz: I would hope so. I'm disappointed nobody searched for cunt and found my blog.
- thyroid: Good. Good. Really good.
- pussy eating contest: wrong blog. I run vadgelip contests
Thank you all so much for your incredible kindness, support and generosity. Ah, ya's had me kvelly and teary with your wonderful comments and delishmails. A million thanks just doesn't cut it. Dildos? Vibrators? Cock rings? I guess a fruit basket won't make the cut after that, huh?! THANK YOU!!!
"Thrush festooned and prolapsed cunt"
You'll get hits aplenty.
Is it me, or has the Katertot developed a yen for Bart?
You yearn to exclaim in breathless utterance:
"Bartholomew, I'm coming!"
Over and over again.
Admit it. You will feel better for it.