No, I Haven't Been Consumed by Flames

While I realize my born again zealot readers would just LOOOOOVE to know that I've been consumed by California's mini-Armageddon, I'm here to say that I've still got a pulse.


Eebie said…
Consumed by the flames of passion you are ... you can't hide it ... yet you are not swallowed up by them, the desire within your bosom radiates your intense fever in your writing, the vigor transmitted in your quill. Alas, I am drawn in by your inspiration and whirled into a lyrical frenzy.
Jesus will find a way to smite your unbelieving ass some day. If it's not the flames then he'll figure out some way to get you to his bosom.
Joe said…
You're safe because I prayed the Rosary for you.

Naked. While drinking bourbon.
Cup said…
She's a Jewgirl. She's one of the chosen. She'll be safe.
Madam Z said…
And I would just LOOOOOOVE to know that those "born again zealot readers" will eventually be consumed by their own flaming hatreds! I was going to say something about hoping they'd burn in Hell, but I don't believe in Hell, darn it!

Anyway...I am delighted to know that Katiekins is still pulsing and posting.
Ahhh, that's why you sounded like you were under water. You were dousing the roof to keep it from igniting. Seriously, nothing will happen, the spirit of Super Dog watches over you.
Anonymous said…
stay kool, and I guess, wet
Distributorcap said…
did President Nutjob come visit you?
Adam Deutsch said…
I'm glad you're not literally on fire.
Evil Spock said…
Mary looks like Drew Barrymore.
Al Sensu said…
Is there a grilled cheese sandwich in that pic?
Dale said…
Then what have you been consumed by? That watery Mary?
Joe said…
I just realized, that's actually a picture of Winona Ryder.
Once again, Bubs's powers of deduction are impeccable.
Anonymous said…
Glad to know your smokin' hotness has deflected those other flames.
Anonymous said…
Glad to know your smokin' hotness has deflected those other flames.

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