One Month

The Kid died one month ago today. That occurred to me just a few hours ago. I kept telling myself today was August 31st. It's September 1st. I KNOW. Happy Anniversary is wildly inappropriate. It's right up there with going to a non-Jewish funeral and asking who will be attending the after party. Guilty.

I worked on an essay about hagamuffin today and recalled so many fabulous memories. I laughed and I cried. It was cathartic. It was difficult and that's OK. I still miss him so much. I think I always will. I need to learn to live with that, which I will do... eventually.


Zoltan said…
smoochees. . . . . .

Mister Mxyzptlk said…
You never stop missing them, but that's good. They're always with you.
Dino said…
I am sorry. We just inherited another one today. Shawnna the lab/rottweiler mix of my friend that passed away needed a home.
Eebie said…
Big, warm hugs...
Mother Jones RN said…
Sorry about your loss, Sweetie.

Big hugs, MJ
Evil Spock said…
If Happy Anniversary gets you through this, than by all means, "Happy Anniversary!"

After seeing Wedding Crashers, Evil Spock is looking forward to meeting girls at funeral after parties.
Cup said…
I saw a dog at the festival that looked so much like him. Got a bit teary-eyed thinking of you at that moment.
Anonymous said…
Ever wanted to know what you do when you meet a Jew?
Dale said…
I thought I commented on this already but it appears that I'm wrong once more. Louie Jewie is happy you laughed and cried.

In other news, I caught the last few minutes of a 'TVography' on 'The Facts of Life' and I couldn't help think of you. They apparently wanted to do an episode where Blair loses her virginity but LeeWee refused and had herself written out. Natalie did the deed instead. I laughed and thought of you and wondered if Lisa's ever bothered to write you?
Did you know about this when you named der hundt?

If not, all I can say is "Wow."
Anonymous said…
I have a new URL jewgirl
Joe said…
Anniversaries are so hard--one week, one month, a year, the holidays, any occasion you remember a special time with your companion.

Thinking of you.
Mauigirl said…
The first year is the hardest. Hope you are doing OK, sending some hugs your way.

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