Michigan Man in Wheelchair Pinned to Grille of Semitrailer for 4-Mile Ride

didjya's read about the vertically challenged kid who was rolling across the street and got stuck on the grill of a giant semi in paw paw michigan? kid was wearing a dr. pepper t-shirt and got stuck on the grille. can you imagine?! thank god the kid's ok. that said, this was the funniest fuckin story I have heard in my life. I was howling. seriously how-ling. do you not see the humor in this?!

Carpenter was attempting to cross on Wednesday when the light turned green and his wheelchair became hooked onto the front grille of the truck, which reached 50 mph during the 4-mile trip down Red Arrow Highway, Michigan State Police Michael Sinke said witnesses reported.


Romius T. said…
Are you secretly listening to distorted view? That podcast talkded about this story. Or are you just that sick? I knew there was something fishy about you. No menses joke there.
Joe said…
That picture rocks. Thank you.
Cup said…
I love this story! Once I knew the kid was okay, I started laughing. Okay, I started laughing before I knew the kid was fine; how can you not, with those visuals?
If someone pitched this as a straight non-comedic incident to be inserted into a C.S.I. or ER-type show, before the actual incident took place? They'd be laughed off the lot.
Julie said…
I admit, I thought it was very fucking funny!!!
Evil Spock said…
Thank jeebus he's okay. Its weird how possibly tragic events can be soooooooo funny.
Eric Riback said…
WP, you know Dick Wolfe has added this one to his "ripped from headlines" file.

Katiegirl, that ad brings memories of the time one couldn't get Dr. Pepper in New York. I remember drinking it in the early 60s when they ran the B.C. ads (before Johnny Hart became a Christian evangelizer) and they suggested you should have "the Doctor" at 10 - 2 - 4. But by 1967 it was gone. I remember because it was a big deal I could buy it at Expo 67. Eventually Cadbury or someone bought it and got national distribution. Also interesting that the tag line included "I like it" because back then 7-up's tag line was "You like it, it likes you" which is why their first attempt at diet soda was called "Like."
Eric Riback said…
And yes, I'm truly glad the fellow wasn't hurt, because this is fucking hysterical.
"WP, you know Dick Wolfe has added this one to his "ripped from headlines" file."

Eric, excellent point and this is why I rarely watch two of the "L & O" franchises, sticking with "Criminal Intent" because at least the acting is top notch.

You know, Dr. Pepper has always been available here, but NeHi could only be purchased in a few stores here, when I was a lad.
Johnny Yen said…
He looks a hell of a lot calmer than I'd have been after that adventure. That story definitely falls under the category "funny only because it didn't end up in the tragedy it could have been."

Diet Dr. Pepper is one of my reasons for living. That and your blog....; )

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