is this weird?

whenever I hear kits and handsome carrying case it makes my teeth itch. the concept is so disconcerting to me. I had to buy a new crackberry yesterday. never mind that the shmo who tried to sell it to me wanted to bend me over without lube. what made me walk out and choose another store was when he said the new blackberries come with a handsome carrying case.

it's too proper. too gaudy. and always attractive, yet functional. does it get more annoying?

kits are too all inclusive for my taste and super creepy squared. they have a comes with stigma that I cannot, for the life of me, get past. too much comes with leaves no room for creativity.

moving right along....

the countdown to paris incarceration gate has officially begun. 48 hours and counting. I wonder if she'll be crotched upon entry. the girl can probably stash a department store in that echoing cavernous beav of hers. oooh, wait, that was cunty. (fyi) in case you were wondering there is a crotched mountain. who knew?! it's a ski resort.

it's sunday. have you had your face to penis with jesus yet?


Tanya Espanya said…
I like tits in a handsome carrying case.
Mister Mxyzptlk said…
Handsome cases and accessory kits make me all hot and bothered. I am an easy sell for a well packaged product.
"there is a crotched moutain, who knew?! it's a ski resort."

Serves them right for letting the town pervert name all the local landmarks.
"there is a crotched moutain, who knew?! it's a ski resort."

Serves them right for letting the town pervert name all the local landmarks.
The button clicked twice, it wasn't me.
The button clicked twice, it wasn't me.
Mountjoy said…
Why is it "handsome", anyway? I mean it is obviously a recepticle, a pocket as it were - i.e. you put the B'Berry INTO it. Therefore it is female, yes? So why isn't it a "slutty, BDSM fetished obsessed carrying case" or a "biker mole carrying case".

If it WERE handsome, your B'Berry might want to sit on top of it and ride it like a bronco, or have the soft leather it is fashioned from grab it firmly and thrown it down on the bed...

You dont see THAT in Toy Story, do you?
jimbo! said…
stoopid bloody xtians think it's 'biblical' to love jews; the only correct xtian response to jew bastards is to EXTERMINATE THEM!

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